The Over 50’s Driving Community is a Miracle for UK Jobs
Older workers are soon going to be essential for addressing the workforce shortages that are happening right now. The UK’s record for employment has boomed and it is being fuelled by those who are in their 50’s and 60’s. This is part of a much larger trend and it could even see the over 60’s dominating the labour market too. Sure, there is a lot of political uncertainty over Brexit and now it is hanging over the economy. Official figures have revealed that around 33 million people are now in employment.
There is a massive change that is happening right now and not many people are fully appreciating it. The over 50’s community is going to represent one out of every three workers by the year 2025 and they will also be the largest age demographic by the year 2030.
When you look at the long-term trends, you will see that Britons are living longer and that a higher proportion of them are working in their golden years. The rise in self-employment and even in the gig economy now means that workers can slowly make the transition into employment.
Over 10% of people are still working in their 70s and this is a huge increase.
Really, a lot of this is about changing work patterns. It’s also a lot to do with growing and even understanding the health and social benefits that do come with working well into retirement. The days of working five days a week are stopping and people are working more flexible hours.
It has also been suggested that there are a few ways that policymakers can tackle the drop-off. Then again, using younger workers who are coming from abroad could really make up the shortfall. This could be tricky in a post-Brexit United Kingdom but it could mean good things for the future.